Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What I Like And Dislike about Christmas

Things I Love About Christmas

  • Gingerbread & Making gingerbread houses
  • Starbucks decorative cups
  • Peppermint Bark.
  • Bath & Bodyworks Christmas scents
  • Stalkings
  • Buying ornaments
  • The Movies:Charlie Brown,Rudolph, Frosty, The Grinch, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, A Charlie Brown Christmas,Home Alone,Frosty the Snowman, A Muppet Christmas Carol, Elf, How the Grinch  That stole Christmas (both versions) Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer...I love them!
  • Wrapping presents
  • How wonderful it is to be surrounded by all my favorite people
  • Santa hats
  • Sending & Receiving Christmas cards(because I don’t only send on Christmas, I care the other 364 days to!
  • Pumpkin Spice
  • Changing my phone wallpaper to a Christmas background
  • Being able to wear cozy sweaters, robes, and fuzzy socks
  • Holiday flavored teas, yum!  I love cinnamon, peppermint 
  • The sparkle of Christmas lights
  • Seeing peoples Christmas Trees on their living room windows 

Things I dislike about Christmas:
  • #1 -----FruitCake
  • The Unnecessary Stress
  • Egg nog
  • Having to mutter, with a humble false smile, "No thanks, I was just browsing" approximately 1,345 times to poor, tired, and hungry salesclerks sporting bewildered expressions who dread my approach as much as I dread theirs.   
  • People who finish their Christmas shopping in October and are totally smug about it.
  • Grumpy shoppers. WHERE IS YOUR FUCKING CHRISTMAS CHEER? holy crap. 
  • The Religion Wars.- putting the Christ back in Christmas, or taking the Christ out of Christmas, with a little dash of self-appointed pagans whining about how the Catholic Church stole their solstice 1500 years ago and they want all of popular culture and history to reverse itself because they're special.  Nobody cares except you, OK?  Go be nice to your family.  That's the entire point. 
  • Ungrateful ppl who judge what you get them, and forget that the small thoughtful things are what counts, or even the fact that we actually

  • Fakeness..
Typo? Nope. Contradiction? You better believe it! I do love the fact that people are nicer to each other but I also really hate how they are only doing it because it’s Christmas. In a world where we are constantly on the go, we can feel overwhelmed and take it out on the ones we love the most. Is it really acceptable to wait over 300 days of the year to start being kinder to the most important people in your life??! Tell people you love them, hug them, thank them for being awesome ,hold doors open for them, get on the phone or call round instead of Facebook poking them! We’re humans God damnit!

The reason for the season. We give gifts to each other, not only to see the joy on the little children's faces or even the joy on the adults faces, but to imitate the gift given to us by Jesus. Peace on earth, good will towards men. We know that the holidays are special. Don't forget why.

Merry Christmas J Love Silly
(P.S. If you don’t like what i wrote…oh..well J

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Note to all My friends ... Luv Silly

I'm definitely going to start my blog! I have so much to get out :) enjoy

Awhile back i was out w/ some friends who met other friends of ours ..after a cple Hrs of chatting and dancing, one of my friends asks me "where did you find this girl, shes simply beautiful and amazing"(with no intention on hitting on her)..well i can easily explain that , like the person who made that comment (who is amazing by the way) i like to surround myself with positive and beautiful people that Can Offer Me as Much or Even More Than I Can Offer Them

Like many people... i have had some bad friendships with people who only brought negativity, but i learned to be strong and surpass the negativity.
The biggest single predictor of success  is the people who surround you.
we dont always like to believe it but the people who surround us influence us whether its good or bad

a few months ago we had a get together at a friends place, it was a very simple night except that we lost ourselves in conversation so deeply that before we knew it, it was 1:30 a.m. and I was shocked at how quickly the time had passed.
The secret is also simple: when you talk with people who are passionate about what they’re doing, passionate about life and the people they love, it is transformative.Passionate people not only inspire you, they give you ideas.

Relationships are a choice anyone who doesn’t have them, doesn’t care enough. It can be scary to meet new people, but there’s nothing more worth it. Our biggest need as humans is to love and be loved. We are all seeking out different connections but it’s not always going to find you. You have to go out and find it. Make it a priority to drown yourself with passionate people, and they’ll come out..

I have always been the type of person who has never had trouble making new friends... put me in a room with people and i will leave after an hr with 2 handfulls of new friends. Fire people who don’t contribute to ur dream. Our friend group is our choice. Choose wisely. We all have people who put us down or don’t believe in our ideas. They suck energy out of us and diminish our potential. Who says you have to be around them? You don’t, so stop acting like you do. 

For whatever reason there are people in our lives we cannot get away from, who seem to be out to get us. Kill them with kindness. Sack up, be the bigger person and do the following. First, feel their pain–try to empathize and somehow see their side. Second, be complementary–tell them what you respect about them. You can always find something. Relate to them. Do this often enough and most people will stop treating you like sh*t.They’ll actually become extremely close to you because you’re the first one who helped them through their insecurities..

to sum it all up.. we don't always tell each other how grateful we are to have each other ..so im taking my time to thank you
 whether its a Trip to our "favorite craft store",  a Saturday morning breakfast, a lunch date, a small gathering with wine and cheese ;), a simple phone call (while walking home) or text message/imessage or whatsapp, weekly email from an old time friend who u love dearly etc etc etc..
i appreciate the wonderful people that i have in my life! u!

As i told a fabulous friend of mine today " i dont like it when people don't value one another, and only when something happens to the other person and its to late and u make a Facebook Page in memory of that person"( LOL) ...we should always value each other. and not wait for the other person to part..

Hope i made  sence 
